When the time comes to consider the conversion from an oil furnace, or an electric furnace, to a Natural Gas furnace, there are factors to consider so that you end up making the right decision for your specific requirements and needs.
Certainly, to list a few, there is the cost. And not just the initial cost, but the overall value one gets from the lifetime of the right furnace. Also, to consider is the effectiveness, the durability and more such as what lifespan will the unit have, and the effects that installation can have on your home and family.
Depending on where you live, your choice for the best furnace can be largely dependent on fuel sources and availability. Natural gas is definitely the most popular choice of furnace and fuel, but the required infrastructure of piping is not going to available as an option in many areas, especially the more rural, of our country.
So, if your home is hooked up to a natural gas line infrastructure, a gas furnace is a great option and could be the ideal solution for your home. Natural gas furnaces provide whole home heating at a lower cost when converting this fuel source to heat.
Victoria Furnace Services offers a range of gas furnace options for clients in the Greater Victoria region. We’re certain that you’ll find the right furnace for your home. If you want to learn more, or even schedule an inspection and free, friendly quote, call us today. 778-400-7148
If you wondering why you should consider switching to a Gas Furnace, here is a list of some of the main benefits:
When making the final decision to go with a gas unit in the conversion of electric furnace vs. gas furnace, cost certainly could be a determining factor. Gas systems are known to be less expensive to operate, simply because natural gas is cheaper than electricity, which make the gas units more appealing to homeowners.
Based on your desires and needs, a gas unit will heat up the home quicker and more efficiently than an electric unit. They are especially more efficient in performance in very cold temperatures, as they will be able to achieve a higher temperature output of heat over what an electric unit can produce.
We also offer regular duct cleaning and maintenance services to maintain the air quality of your electric furnace forced air system. Installing a heat pump can be a solution to duct cleaning.
When you give us a call, we’ll provide a written estimate and walk you through the process of solving your problem. We price-match with local competitors.
And you’ll find us punctual, friendly and professional as we deliver our services to you. Plus, we have a strong follow up program to ensure your system is running most efficiently. You can reach us at
778-400-7148. Or fill in our contact form and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!
Victoria Furnace Services
709 Yates Street, unit 8112
Victoria, BC Canada